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Essential oils are among the most valuable substances that nature can offer us.

They enter into the field of naturopathy which encompasses

healthy lifestyle , diet , breathing and mental hygiene .

They act on our psycho-emotional and spiritual state, on our senses and energy centers.

In order to obtain the best possible quality, I harvest the plants manually, with a sickle, at their optimum stage of maturity, depending on the climatic conditions of the year and the lunar calendar.

The plants are then distilled fresh, the same day or the day after harvest, slowly (4 to 6 hours), with gentle steam (without pressure) in order to preserve the precious aromatic essences.

and obtain integral essential oils of high vibratory quality.

How to use them?

- diluted in a vegetable oil applied under the soles of the feet

- in olfaction

- exceptionally, taken orally in vegetable oil and in small quantities

Let's respect plants and what they have to offer us.

The extraction of essential oils requires huge volumes of plants for a very low yield.

Sandrine Bauder

46 160 Grealou


+336 42 75 40 40

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